Meanwhile, fine crystal discharge device was added in crystallizer to decline quantity of crystal nucleus and to increase crystal growth rate so as to reach the aim of improving crystalline quality. 同时在结晶器中增加细晶排出装置,降低晶核数量,提高晶体生长速率,达到改善结晶质量的目的。
The OC-17 protein then dropped off when the crystal nucleus was large enough to grow on its own, freeing up the protein to start the process again. 在晶核足够大,可以自行生长之后,蛋白质OC-17就逐渐消退了,之后便可以投身于下一次的转化过程。
Result was presented and analyzed that the Elastomer enhanced the rate of crystal nucleus growth of PP; LLDPE and PP were individually crystallized in the binary systems. 结果表明弹性体对PP成核速率有促进作用:LLDPE与PP是分别结晶的,LLDPE阻碍了PP球晶的生长且破坏了PP球晶的完整性;
Hence we combined coprecipitation method, using zinc carbonate as enclosure dose causing the crystal nucleus can not grow up, Zinc titanate acts as phase-transition accelerant, thereby we can obtain rutile nanometer TiO2 powder at lower calcining temperature and in briefer calcining time relatively. 因此我们结合共沉淀法,引入碳酸锌作包覆剂控制品粒长大,利用钛酸锌作品型促进剂,在相对较低的焙烧温度和较短的保温时间内制得到了金红石型纳米TiO2粉体。
Just decomposed CaO is enriched on the surface of crystal nucleus. 刚分解的CaO在晶种表面富集;
Because ZnO crystal nucleus were grown under non-equilibrium condition, it is inevitable that dendrite growth, fractal growth and spinodal decomposition phenomenon are involved in the growing process. 由于ZnO晶核是在非平衡条件下生长的,在生长过程中不可避免地出现了枝晶生长和分形生长以及失稳分解。
The results showed that ZnO hollow spheres acted as crystal nucleus of ZnO microtubes. 结果发现ZnO中空球层对ZnO微米管的生长起到了晶核的作用,能够在玻璃衬底上形成形貌规则的ZnO微米管;
Based on the principle of special nanometer powder preparation by SAS, the generating mechanism of explosive powder crystal nucleus is elucidated, the basic technique of special nanometer powder preparation and appropriate packing technology are put forward. 基于SAS过程制备特种纳米粉的基本原理,阐明了特种纳米粉晶核生成机制,提出了制备特种纳米粉的基本方法和相应的包覆技术。
On the principle of induced crystallization, using the same kind of premium clink-er as crystal nucleus to induce mineral formation of cement clinkering process is pointed out. 根据诱导结晶的原理,我们提出了用已烧好的同类优质熟料作为晶种,诱导水泥烧成过程中的矿物形成。
Effect of the Crystal Nucleus of ZnO and ZnO-Fe_2O_3 on Glass-Ceramics Microstructure ZnO,ZnO-Fe2O3晶核剂对微晶玻璃显微结构的影响
Based on the crystallization theory, crystal seeds in the recycle are used to inhibit the nucleation rate of the crystals, creating conditions for good crystal nucleus growth. 根据结晶理论,利用返料中的晶种抑制了晶体的成核速率,为获得较好的晶核成长创造了条件;
This kind of inhibiters are adsorbed in the surface of hydrate at the early stage of crystal nucleus forming and growing so that slowing the growing velocity for the hydrate crystal to reach the critical size. 此类抑制剂是在水合物形成晶核和生长的初期吸附在其表面,从而延缓了水合物晶体达到临界尺寸的生长速度。
Active sites on the surface of ITO are critical to the formation of crystal nucleus and uniform compact CdS nano-film. 认为ITO玻璃基片表面活性位和晶核的形成是均一致密CdS纳米膜形成的关键。
The nucleation step and the growth of the crystal nucleus step are occurring separately, so ATO nanoparticles with the uniform morphology and particle size can be obtained. 在纳米ATO粉体制备过程中晶核的生成和生长是分离的,从而能够得到形状一致、大小均匀的纳米粉末。
The mechanism of grain refinement was ascribed to the TiC particles acting as heterogeneous crystal nucleus of primary α-Mg. 晶粒细化机制可归结为TiC颗粒作为初生α-Mg的异质晶核。
Study on the mechanisms of crystal nucleus in high performance concrete 晶核在高性能混凝土中作用机理的试验研究
The function of Ag crystal nucleus was studied. 对Ag核的诱导作用进行了分析与讨论。
The energy that polymeric chains fold to form crystals on the surface of crystal nucleus increases. 高分子链在晶核表面折叠形成结晶结构所需的能量增加。
Formation mechanism of the crystal nucleus and CdS film was also discussed. 探讨了膜形成机理,给出了成核过程模型,进一步修正了传统成膜机制。
Sputtering atoms first form stable crystal nucleus, and then develop in turn to island structure, network structure and continue layer. 溅射金属在铜基体表面首先形成稳定的晶核,然后长大成岛状结构、网状结构后形成连续的渗层;
The density of crystal nucleus can increase obviously and the spherulite size can decrease markedly after self-seeding nucleation process is applied. 使用自晶种成核方法可以有效提高PTT的成核密度,降低球晶的尺寸。
The relationship between the cleanness of liquid iron and undercooling, thermodynamic driving force of nucleation, the activation energy to form a crystal nucleus and the critical radius of nucleus has been investigated in terms of thermodynamics in solidification. 利用凝固过程热力学理论研究了铁液洁净度与过冷度、凝固热力学驱动力、形核功和临界晶核半径等的关系。
High surface energy of the crystal nucleus and interaction between the catalyst and the support promote the adhesion stability. 热解过程中产生的高表面能晶核导致活性组分与金属载体之间容易形成相互作用,因而具有高的粘附稳定性。
γ-tubulin is a representative protein in pericentriolar material with the function of initiating formation of microtubule crystal nucleus and regulating the spindle assembly. γ-tubulin是中心粒周围物质(Pericentriolarmaterial,PCM)中一种具代表性的蛋白,具有起始微管晶核形成,调节纺锤体组装的作用。
Another method have a big problem that is the experiment require to accurately control between the processes of nucleus formation and growth, because the structure of the original crystal nucleus determined the final shape of the particles. 还有些方法对环境敏感,在实验过程中必须精确的控制粒子的成核和生长,这是因为原始晶核的形状决定了粒子最终的形状。
We consider that the predisposing cause of the crystal nucleus growth of Co-ferrite was the hybridization of electron orbits between O2-ion and magnetic positive ion. 4. 我们认为,O2-离子与磁性阳离子间的电子轨道杂化是产生钴铁氧体晶核的诱因。
The calcite surface can dissolve out CO2 film layer in acidic conditions, it can become the crystal nucleus, then grows into microbubble by reducing pressure, these bubbles can be attached to the surface of calcite, makes calcite particles has better flotability. 方解石在微酸性条件下表面析出一层CO2薄膜,并在压强降低的过程中成为微泡的晶核而逐渐生长,使气泡优先附着在方解石表面,使方解石获得更好的可浮性。
With the increase in the growth time, crystal nucleus will preferential grow along a certain direction under the action of kinetics, thereby forming W nanowire arrays. 随着生长时间的增加,晶核在动力学的作用下会沿着一定的方向择优生长,从而形成W纳米线阵列。
Some issues about this method were studied which including the position of crystal nucleus, the value of power exponent in SIMP model, the density filter domain and the type of object function. 研究了晶核位置、密度幂指数、密度过滤影响域以及目标函数形式对晶核法的影响。
The results showed that texture of the composite coatings could be more refined and particles distributed more uniformly in the coatings as pulse frequency increased. Because nucleation rate of crystal nucleus increased and propagation rate of crystal nucleus was slow as pulse frequency raised and concentration polarization reduced. 结果表明,随着脉冲频率的升高,浓差极化减小,晶核的形核率高,增长速率慢,复合镀层的组织得到细化,形成结晶细致、颗粒分散均匀的纳米复合镀层。